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Once preserved the flowers and foliage will maintain the fresh appearance that existed the day they were picked, providing they are kept indoors at room temperature.

Other than gentle dusting the arrangements will last for around two years or more if you follow these guidelines:


  • INDOOR USE ONLY in temperatures between 5 and 21 degrees Centigrade.

  • DO NOT ADD WATER or clean with liquids as the preservation process will reverse and the glycerine and dyes will seep out of the plant. 
    (A cold, damp or very humid atmosphere will have the same effect as well).

  • The natural dyes used in the flowers and foliage may cause staining if left in contact with polished surfaces or fabrics.

  • Keep out of direct sunlight as natural fading will occur and also in very hot conditions the flowers and foliage will dry out.

  • Occasionally you can add one drop of essential rose oil to the centre of the rose if you would like to add fragrance to your arrangement but be aware adding too much liquid would reverse the preservation process. Also constant use of the rose oil could discolour the centre of the rose over time.


These floral arrangements are ideal as gifts and interior design pieces providing that finishing touch to your home or to add beauty and interest to a commercial enviroment.




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We won First prize for the best chalet in 2019 

at Bath Christmas Market. We are back again this year in Bath (23rd Nov -11th Dec)

 to celebrate our 10th year!

Find us at the bottom of Bath Street, between

the Cross Bath and the Little theatre Cinema.

In 2022 we expanded into shops, with now over

12 stockists.

If you are a retailer please contact us about wholesale orders and becoming a stockist.


© Rose & Green by Chester Lewis. Proudly created with

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